Hvac Systems

Air Conditioning Apparatus

► The use of air conditioner products is suitable for all hot and cold areas. As it is known, Turkey and in many countries in the work environment in the office desk call center systems are adjacent or close to each other done. Since most of these environments are in plaza offices, many systems related to ventilation are used. These systems are listed below.

Central system ventilation

Cassette air conditioner

Split air conditioner

Culvert ventilation

Slot anemostad Diffuser

During the use of the above systems, some adverse situations occur for the people in the environment. The biggest disagreement between people who share the same environment is that the air coming to the office through the ventilation systems comes to them. The direct contact of the air coming through the ventilation system to the person brings many discomfort. The most common of these are waist and neck stiffness caused by air conditioner strikes. Another discomfort is headache. These disturbances are present in every environment where air conditioning is used.

Air Conditioning Apparatus

Air conditioning apparatus has been developed for all ventilation systems used in the market by evaluating the feedbacks of the users. The most used of these air conditioners are as follows.

Split Air Conditioner Apparatus
Cassette Air Conditioner Apparatus
Culvert Air Conditioning Apparatus
Salon Air Conditioner Apparatus
Floor Air Conditioner Apparatus

All the above-mentioned apparatus eliminates all the inconveniences that may occur by preventing air conditioner crash.

Cassette Klimalık AC Deflector 1-Way Direction 90cm

Cassette type air conditioner air diverter models are an air conditioner model produced according to the outer dimensions of the air conditioner and the area up to the filter section. These cassette type air conditioners are produced in order to keep the filter cover part empty or to provide easy filter maintenance. The production purpose of cassette type air conditioners is to direct the air evenly to the ceiling without disturbing the employees or those sitting under it.

Slot Difüzör – Anemostad – Menfez Aparatı 100cmX 13cm

Vent type air conditioner is an air conditioner model. Grille type air conditioner models are produced according to the outer dimensions of the grille and anemostad covers. When the product size is entered in the table, the price calculation is done automatically.

This apparatus is sold as a meter tulle.

Thanks to the slope made to the outer part of the apparatus, the air is evenly directed to the ceiling. Vent type air conditioner types are used in corporate companies and in all areas with central systems.

Kaset Klimalık Klima Aparatı

Cassette type air conditioner apparatus is an air conditioner air diverter model, whose models are produced according to the outer dimensions of the air conditioner and the filter cover dimensions.

These cassette type air conditioner air diverter types are cassette type air conditioner apparatuses that are produced for the purpose of empty filter cover section and easy filter maintenance.

The production purpose of cassette type air conditioners is to direct the air evenly to the ceiling without disturbing the employees or those sitting under it.

SİZE: (70cmX70cm)-(65cmX65cm)-(95cmX95cm)-(60cmX60cm)

Anemostad Grille Type

Anemostad Oval Grille type air conditioner air diverter is produced according to the outer dimensions of the anemostad covers of the grilles. It is an air conditioner air directing apparatus suitable for the shape of the cover in the vents.

Vent type air conditioning apparatus design, the middle part is produced in the form of a pyramid. This is how the air that hits the middle part of the air conditioner air guiding apparatus is directed.

The vent type air conditioner air directing apparatus directs the air directed from the middle section to the ceiling equally thanks to the slope made to the outer sections. Vent type air conditioners are used for vents in all areas with air-directing apparatuses, corporate companies and central heating and cooling systems.

Standard Sizes: 30cm x 30cm

Split Klima Aparatı Fonksiyonel

With its customizable structure, split 360 ° transparent flap and ergonomic arms, Split air conditioner gives you a unique climate comfort experience. It protects your health from factors that may arise from air conditioning.

Split type air conditioner types direct air exiting the air conditioner to ceiling. Your air conditioning comfort increases twice.

Split type air conditioners create the working conditions suitable for you in your office. It protects you against health problems caused by the air conditioner.

The air conditioner apparatus can extend from 65cm to 125cm. It is compatible with all split air conditioners. Our air conditioner air router apparatus can adjust the proximity and distance. Transparent flaps directing air conditioning air, turning handle can be angled 360 degrees.
Air conditioner type of split type air conditioner directs the air and prevents the people sitting opposite or under it from being disturbed.

Air Conditioning Deflector

With split type air conditioner types, air conditioner apparatus directs the air coming out of the air conditioner in the desired direction. Air conditioner air router product with split type air conditioner apparatus is preferred in many corporate companies, offices and houses. It protects your health.